Contracts - Setup
This article provides an overview of how to set up and access the Contracts feature.
In this article:
- Overview
- Activate the Contract Feature
- Contract Configuration
- Access Contract
- Access Contract Details
- Add a New Contract
- Change the Contract Status
In Vonigo, a contract encompasses a comprehensive set of terms and conditions that precisely delineate the frequency of billing, the billable items, their respective quantities, and the corresponding billed amounts. Additionally, the contract outlines the accepted methods of payment and the timing associated with billing. It also specifies the notification procedures and rules governing contract renewal. These contracts are especially relevant in the context of various services that you can offer, such as equipment rentals, storage space leases, maintenance agreements, and other ongoing service arrangements where billing occurs on a recurring schedule.
Contract Business Use Cases
Subscriptions/Memberships: You can provide customers with the option of subscribing to your services or becoming members. With this subscription model, customers can pay a recurring fee, usually on a monthly basis, in exchange for a predefined package of maintenance services over a specified period, typically a year. This subscription also covers any necessary repairs that may arise, similar to an IT support contract.
Rentals: You offer the capability to rent products to customers and bill them periodically, typically on a monthly basis. This scenario typically involves two work orders—one for drop-off and another for pickup, with the location being either the customer's address or the address of the storage facility.
Automated Billing for Services Rendered: You can perform a high volume of services within a given month and subsequently bill customers automatically for all the services provided during that month. This can be done without the necessity of having a maintenance contract associated with those services.
Activate the Contract Feature
To enable the Contract feature, please contact your Vonigo Customer Success team.
If you have activated the Contract feature, then you can also activate the following feature:
- Contract Label
- Online Contract Approval
- Packages
- Contract Membership
Contract Configuration
Setup Contract Labels
To configure the contract labels:
On the main navigation menu, click Setup.
Select Prices & Finances.
- Click Contract Labels under Contracts.
- Here, you can edit the predefined color and the amount of available options. You can also change the name of the label.
- You can also configure the default labels per service type.
Setup Contracts Appearance Template
To configure the contract appearance template:
- On the main navigation menu, click Setup.
- Select Prices & Finances.
- Click Contract Appearance under Contracts.
- Here, you can edit the contract appearance template. See the table below for the section details available within the Contract appearance interface.
Section | Description |
Template | This section lets you define the template’s name. |
Client Data | This section lets you define the Client Data field. |
Company Info | This section lets you define your Company information. |
Tax Reference | This section lets you define the predefined tax reference. |
Printing Options | This section lets you configure the printing options that will be used to print the contract. |
Behavior | This section lets you configure the contract behavior. |
Default Notes | This section lets you define notes that will be displayed in the contract. |
Selected Document Labels | This section lets you configure the labels that can be used within the contract. |
Billing | This section lets you configure the billing information. You can also enable the contract auto extend and auto-renewal here. |
Contract Services | This section lets you define the contract services. |
Past Due Charges | This section lets you display the payments that are overdue or underpaid within the contract. For more details, see below. |
Auto Extend Logic:
- Once the Auto Extend is enabled, the contract will be auto-extended for the single billing period.
- No automated notification will be done upon contract auto-extension.
- The extension occurs either on or before the contract end date, depending on whether billing occurs in advance or in arrears.
Auto Renew Logic:
- The new contract is created in pending status on or before the end date of the contract, depending on whether billing occurs in advance or in arrears.
- The start date of the new contract is the date the existing contract ends.
- The customers need to sign the new contract before it takes effect.
Past Due Charges
This feature can be used to add late charges to an invoice.
Past-due charges are specifically applied to open invoices.
Field | Description |
Options |
Select the options for the past due charges. There are two available options:
Fixed Amount | This checkbox activates a fixed amount, which is added to the invoice. |
Percentage Amount | This field activates the charge percent, which is applied to the outstanding invoice balance. |
Associated With | This dropdown field shows the services that can be used to register a past due charge. |
Automated Invoicing
Automated Invoicing becomes active when you've enabled the Auto Extend feature within the Billing section of the Contract Appearance template.
The system's logic is also influenced by the default settings within the contract templates. The automated invoicing process operates at hourly intervals, checking if the contract meets the criteria for auto-invoicing. It utilizes the customer contact information from the contract header to facilitate the auto-population logic in the automated invoicing process.
The logic can be modified, but only before the contract is activated. Once the contract becomes active, the billing frequency is fixed and cannot be altered.
The available invoice types associated with a contract are:
- Contract Invoice (Auto) - Automatically generated invoices. One is created per billing period.
- Contract Invoice (Manual) - Manually generated invoice to cover a billing period.
- Contract Invoice (Service) - Manually generated invoice for a work order not covered by the contract.
Setup Contract Fields
To set up the configuration for contracts and quotes, you'll need to activate the corresponding custom fields within the work order settings:
- On the main navigation menu, click Setup.
- Select Schedule.
- Click Work Order Fields under Work Order.
- Tick the Show in Contract Details to activate.
Access Contract Membership
If you have activated the Contract Membership, a new service-type booking workflow called Single Work Order Per Job will be available to use. To access the workflow:
- On the main navigation menu, click Setup.
- Select Schedule.
- It will be displayed under the Service Types.
- The workflow involves booking an initial visit on the sales route, creating a job, a sales work order, a contract, a time service matrix (new), and setting up a recurring schedule linked to the service matrix.
- Service work orders will only appear on the new route type resource, but they won't be visible in any view except the mass scheduling interface.
Access Contract
To access the contract(s) on the Vonigo platform:
- On the main navigation menu, click Contracts.
In the Contracts interface, you can view the list of available contracts within your company.
You can also view the list of contracts based on their status by clicking More Views.
Access Contract Details
To see the contract’s details:
- On the Contracts interface, select an active contract to see its details.
- You will be prompted to the Contract Details interface, which will show ten panels available that you can edit within the contract.
Contract Details Panel
This panel shows general information regarding the contract.
Field | Description |
General Details | This field shows the general information of the contract. |
Summary | This field shows the purpose of the contract. |
Contract Location | This field shows the contract location. |
Signatures | This field shows the client’s signature. |
Account Details | This field shows the client’s account details. |
Deposit |
This field shows if the client has made a deposit. |
Credit Card |
This field shows the credit card information used for the contract payment. |
My Company Details | This field shows your company’s details. |
Contract Details | This field shows the detailed information of the contract. |
Approval Details |
This field shows the approval status of the contract. |
Contract Charges Panel
This panel shows a breakdown of the specific charges associated with the chosen contract. Additionally, you have the capability to modify the charge amount for the selected contract if needed.
Notes Panel
This panel shows the crew and agent notes for the selected contract. Additionally, you can add notes to the contract if needed.
Work Orders Panel
This panel shows the specific work orders associated with the selected contract. Additionally, you have the capability to add a new work order that will be associated with the contract directly.
Invoices Panel
This panel shows all invoices associated with the contract. Additionally, you have the capability to add a new contract invoice if needed.
Only the following types of invoices will be listed here:
- Contract Invoices
- Standalone Invoices
- Service Invoices
- One contract invoice is created for each billing period.
- If a contract invoice exists for a billing period, the automated process skips that billing period.
Internal Comments Panel
This panel shows all the internal comments for the selected contract. Additionally, you can add a new comment directly if needed.
Documents Panel
This panel shows all of the uploaded documents for the selected contract. The document is listed as a thumbnail list that can be paginated or searched through as a regular grid control. Additionally, you have the capability to upload a new document here.
Messages Panel
This panel provides an overview of all messages, including their detailed information regarding the sender and recipient.
Financial Summary Panel
This panel shows a detailed financial summary of the selected contract.
Recurrences Panel
This panel shows all the available recurrences associated with the contract, including the recurrence’s pattern, and status.
Add a New Contract
To add a new contract:
- On the main navigation menu, click Contracts.
In the Contracts interface, you can view the list of available contracts within your company.
Click Add New Contract under the ACTIONS menu.
- Search for the client you want to create a contract for.
- Fill in the contract details and click Create to confirm the creation.
Change the Contract Status
In the Contract interface, you have the option to manually change the contract status. There are three available statuses to choose from:
- Complete: The invoice for the contract will no longer be generated.
- Suspend: The contract will not be canceled, only the billing will be suspended.
- Cancel: All the open work orders and recurrences associated with the contract are canceled.
A contract cannot be canceled if at least one invoice is issued against it.
To change the contract’s status:
- On the main navigation menu, click Contracts.
In the Contracts interface, you can view the list of available contracts within your company.
Select the contract you wish to change the status for, and then click on one of the status buttons.