Advertising/Marketing Campaign Cost
This article provides an overview on how to manage and set up Marketing Campaign Costs, Vendors, and show Advertising/Marketing Costs on the Report Results.
In this article:
- Overview
- Case Studies: Marketing Team of Junk Removal Company
- How to Generate Advertising Cost on Report Results
Marketing Campaign Cost is a feature to manage and generate Report Results on the marketing spend per job. It allows you to manage and track the utilization of the marketing budget in comparison to generated revenue.
Case Studies: Marketing Team of Junk Removal Company
A marketing team of the junk removal company wants to analyze the results and the impact of the several marketing campaigns that they have performed. To further analyze and understand the impact, they want to generate a few additional columns and data in the Report Results as shown below:
How to Generate Advertising Cost on Report Results
Add Vendors
Go to Business Unit > Vendors.
Click Add New Vendor.
Fill in the important details as follows:
Vendor Name
Default Payment Terms
Vendor Availability
Mailing Address
Click ADD NEW.
- A new notification will appear on top that shows Vendor created successfully.
Add New Marketing Campaign Cost
Go to Business Unit > Marketing Campaign Cost.
Click ADD NEW.
Fill in the Marketing Campaign Cost details:
Campaign: Select campaign type from the drop-down list.
Vendor: Select available Vendor.
Amount: Enter the Marketing Campaign Cost in Dollars.
Expense Date: Enter the Marketing Campaign Expense Date or Select from the Calendar by clicking the calendar icon.
Click ADD NEW.

A new notification will appear on top that shows the Marketing cost record created successfully.
Add Advertising Cost Columns on Report Results
Go to Reports > Revenue Folder.
Hover over any Revenue Report and click Edit.
Scroll down to Advertising Cost and drag any Advertising Cost columns and drop it into Columns.
A new notification will appear that shows the Report updated successfully.
How to See Additional Advertising Cost Columns on Report Results
To see additional Advertising Cost columns that you have added on Report Results:
Go to Reports > Revenue Folder.
Hover over the Revenue Report that you have modified to add capacity columns and click Run Report.
A new Advertising column that you added will appear as follows: