Quote - Appearance Templates - Multiple Notes
This article guides you to configure estimate appearance notes for the quote appearance template.
In this article:
Estimate appearance notes can be embedded in the Terms of Services with shorthand keys. See this reference for more information. If estimate appearance is activated, a quote will have up to 6 note boxes in it. Boxes can be named and activated respectively via an estimate appearance template.
Activating Estimate Appearance
Please contact your Vonigo Customer Success team to activate this feature.
Accessing Quote Template
Estimate appearances are set up specifically per appearance template and can be configured through a quote appearance template page. Follow these steps to access the template:
- Click the Setup menu on the sidebar.
- Click the Prices & Finance section.
- In the quoting group, click Quote Appearance.
- Select the quote template that you want to modify.
Customizing Default Notes
- In the quote template, find a section called Default Notes.
- You can customize the default notes name and default values there.
Language-Specific Default Notes
If the system supports multiple languages, default notes can be customized to be language-specific per template. Follow these steps to enable language-specific default notes:
- Check the Set Specified By Language checkbox.
- The section now displays a list of languages. To customize the notes for each language, click on the desired language.
Note: Once the notes are populated, no automated language translation will be done.