Quote - Appearance Templates - Print
This article provides an overview of configuring print options for a quote appearance template.
In this article:
A quote can be printed out. Its printout template is configurable on the quote appearance template. This configuration includes colors, printed-out fields, etc. Print options are predefined by default but can be customized as needed.
Accessing Quote Template
Print options are set up specifically per appearance template and can be configured through a quote appearance template page. Follow these steps to access the template:
- Click the Setup menu on the sidebar.
- Click the Prices & Finance section.
- In the quoting group, click Quote Appearance.
- Select the quote templates that you want to modify.
Configuring Print Options
- In the quote template, find a section called Printing Options.
- Select colours and check (or uncheck) the checkboxes as you wish.
In general, there are several options that you can configure for print templates, such as:
- Whether to include certain fields in print results (show charge, show description, etc)
- Customize header background colour, line colour, and alternate row colour.
- Customize signature line.
- If promotions are enabled, the Show Promo Details flag determines whether promotion details are shown on the quote printout.