QuickBooks - Export to QuickBooks
This article provides an overview of how to export to QuickBooks that will be performed by QuickBooks, this method also applies to the Xero.
Export to QuickBooks
Export to QuickBooks can be done from an individual quote, invoice, and or payment record
In addition, export can be done in bulk
Navigate to Business Unit
Select the Accounting Settings
Click on Export To QuickBooks
Note: This area will be visible only if QuickBooks Integration will be activated.
When a user clicks on the link "Export To QuickBooks" The following Panels are available:
Quotes (Visible only if the quotes module is active and franchise QuickBooks Setup allows to export quotes to QB)
Invoices (Visible only when invoices module is active)
Receipts (Visible only when receipts modules are active)
Payments (Visible only when payments module is active)
Option "Show Marked as Synchronized" and "Mark as Synchronized" (now called Do Not Export) are visible for Vonigo Administrators only
The option allows marking records as synchronized without sending them to QB
The system does not show the fake synchronization by default
Show Records Blocked from Synchronization - option allows seeing records that cannot be exported to QB
This option is off by default
The transaction will appear when the "Show Marked as Synchronized" option is enabled if a transaction is pending but not in the queue (perhaps after the new Vonigo admin Clear button is used)
Fake Synchronization
Fake Synchronization makes the record appear as it synchronized to QB. The reasons for this could be manual entry, cleaning up prior financial reporting periods, or non-balanced records, among others.
Blocked From Sync
The data that are blocked from synching:
Invoices, Quotes, Receipts and Payments which are less than $1,00
Fully paid invoices (export will be done from the Payment side
Partially Paid Invoices